NRB offers to enterprises soft loans with a grant element to finance their energy efficiency projects

Vynucené dodávky energie UB2
business support Energy savings Grants Preferential loans

The National Development Bank (NRB) and the Ministry of Industry and Trade (MIT) launched a NEW ENERGY SAVINGS program aiming at lowering energy consumption of Czech enterprises. This new program, successor to the existing one, targets enterprises of all sizes located outside the Capital City of Prague.

Entrepreneurs can finance projects designed to achieve substantial energy savings to their operations. Soft loan from the NRB can finance up to 90% of the project costs and can range between CZK 0.5 million and 60 million. “These loans will be offered with a fixed interest rate 1.99% p. a. for the whole period of repayment, which can be up to ten years, including a grace period of up to two years. There will be no additional fees such as administrative fee or premature repayment fee,” presents key parameters of the new program Pavel Křivonožka, the member of the Board of Directors responsible for business.

Companies can obtain financing only for projects designed to achieve at least ten percent of savings on energy consumption. They can use the loan to finance a diverse range of measures such as insulation of business buildings, replacement of windows, lighting and boilers, use of waste heat, new distribution of electricity, gas or heat, introduction of energy measurement and regulation systems, acquisition and installation of renewable energy sources for own use, energy accumulation and others.

What is new in this program compared to its predecessor is that the client can receive a grant support on condition of fulfilling the predetermined project parameters. “If the entrepreneur realizes the project successfully and achieves the planned level of energy savings, he/she can make his project substantially cheaper. Grant element here can be up to 35% of the total project costs,” explains Pavel Křivonožka. Amount of the grant support is dependent upon the share of the NRB financing and own contribution of the enterprise. “If the NRB finances 90% of eligible project costs, than you will receive only 10% grant. If you invest more of your own resources, you can benefit from a higher grant,” adds Pavel Křivonožka.

Entrepreneurs can also apply for a financial contribution to cover costs of the energy assessment report. Moreover, they can contact our dedicated team offering advisory services under the ELENA program. ELENA team can help them to prepare the whole project, to ensure the necessary energy assessment and to apply for a soft loan.

NEW ENERGY SAVINGS is the first program launched in the new programming period 2021-2027. It is financed from the Operational Program Technologies and Application for Competitiveness with an initial allocation of CZK 1.8 billion (app. EUR 75 million).

The existing program ENERGY SAVINGS financed from the Operational Program Enterprise and Innovations for Competitiveness (2014-2020) remains open until 30 September 2023, or earlier in the case the total allocation is exhausted. Number of requests to finance energy savings measures significantly increased in the last year due to an unpredictable situation on the energy market. The NRB has supported 98 projects worth of CZK 419 million (EUR 17 million) until now. Other projects totalling CZK 259 million (EUR 11 million) are currently under negotiations.

As mentioned, NEW ENERGY SAVINGS is a scheme designed to support projects realized outside of the Capital City of Prague. Entrepreneurs with projects located in Prague can still use the ENERG program financed from the national resources. Zero-interest loans will be available until the total allocation of the program is exhausted.

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